Monday, November 1, 2010

Testing Windows Live Writer from WinXP SP3 in VirtualBox guest on Ubuntu 10.04 host.

This is a test using Windows Live Writer to post to Blogger since all the Linux blogging clients totally suck ass. Yeah, I know, what do you want for free, with limited resources, blah, blah, blah…

Looks like it got the blog text and layout okay? Maybe? Kind of cool to see the WYSIWYG editor in action. I haven’t posted a blog here in ages, since upgrading from Jaunty, to Karmic, to Lucid. Now on the Ubuntu LTS everything is running smooth after a few fixes.

I’ll have to go over those another time. Since I started using Tomboy to save all my fixes, tweaks, and hacks, I haven’t really needed to post them here. So, we’ll see what’s going on in the real world, which is not here.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Install the Brother MFC-210C Pirnter/Scanner in Karmic

I needed to remember how to install this printer and where I found the information to do it. TODO: edit this post with proper kudos to the original posters who figured this one out.
I. Brother MFC-210C printer in Karmic:
...found on post #271 here. Thans to amano!
"1) Turn off your printer
2) Open Synaptic
3) Search for the package brother-lpr-drivers-extra and install it and all its dependencies (the dependencies should be installed automatically)
4) Turn on the printer
5) The print wizard comes up
6) It doesn't find your printer automatically
7) Look for the manual printer list in the wizard and open the brother printer section
8) Choose the MFC-210C printer (yes, even for the DCP-115C)
9) Done. "
II. Brother MFC-210C scanner in Karmic:
...found on post #29 here. Thanks to Dave Grape!
"I search the i-net and found on!/msg503627/ the following for my scanner.
We are going to ajust the file /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules with the editor nano. Don't use gedit because it left a backup file. We don't want that.
sudo nano /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules
Go all the way down en add the following rule under "Dell 1600n and before "The following rule will disalbe USB autosuspend for the device"
# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
# The following rule will disable USB autosuspend for the device
ENV{libsane_matched}=="yes", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'test -e /sys/$env{DEVPATH}/power$
Save the file by CTRL + x, then Y or J, (Related to your langeauge) then hit Enter.
I restarted my system and the scanner works without have to use root. I use Ubuntu 9.10 with a Brother DCP 357c. I also lsusb let me see the printer without the use of sudo."
III. ...and finally,
Thanks to: ...posted on his blog here: 
"xsane “Failed to create file: Permission Denied” error" after scanning something and closing xsane.
Quick and dirty fix:
cd get’s you back to your home dir
sudo rm -rf .sane
Then rerun xsane
The original .sane is re-created with the proper permissions.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Letter C

Why do we use the letter C it just makes things komplikated?

I think we should just use K it's much more obligated.

Words look so much kooler with K's and don't kall this over rated.

The only use for C in the alphabet is to make things flow.

Without the letter C the alphabet would blow.

I really hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

We would all be happier just using the letter K.

~~~Kai May 2009~~~

Saturday, January 2, 2010

kai's enchiladas!!!

He ate the whole plate full of enchiladas.

Holy carp! 

Happy New Year!